Roofing Drain Repairs

Keeping Water Flowing Effortlessly Through Roof Drains

As a crucial component in roof drainage systems, drains require careful monitoring and timely repairs. Ignored problems can lead to costly water damage indoors. Here at C&M Construction and Roofing, our team precisely diagnoses drain issues and leverages extensive experience installing foolproof solutions. Through proactive maintenance and exceptional craftsmanship, clients gain total peace of mind their drains efficiently direct rainfall where intended.

Common Roof Drain Problems

To effectively service all draining needs, we must understand how issues arise:

– Debris Clogs: Leaves and sediment block efflux, causing hazardous backup from poor water flow.

– Corrosion: Drain bodies and attachments like clamping rings deteriorate when unprotected from weathering.

– Loose Flanges: Mounting substrate deterioration results in flanges no longer holding drains securely in place.

– Cracked Piping: PVC, ABS, or clay underground pipes transmitting roof outflow slowly degrade without protective coatings.

– Ponding Water: Poor drainage slopes in membrane or deterioration points drains cannot handle capacity.

Our Roof Drain Repairs

To remedy problems while maintaining optimal performance:

– Debris Removal: Snaking and power washing cleans interior drain pipes fully unblocking flow paths.

– Flange Replacement: New flashing-compatible flanges fasten drains downwind and watertight.

– Piping Repairs: Damaged segments are cut out and replaced using compatible joining solvents/connections.

– Corrosion Treatment: Seamless elastomeric or asphaltic coatings fully encapsulate drains against the weather.

– Sloping Adjustments: Additional drainage or tapered insulation installs address ponding concerns.

Our expertise ensures issues are fully resolved through high-quality lasting repairs coded to manufacturers requirements.

Additional Maintenance Tips

Routine inspections minimize costly repairs down the road:

– Twice-Yearly Checks: Remove potential debris before high rain seasons and ensure fastening integrity.

– Screw Tightening: Periodically confirm all drain attachment screws resist vibrational compromise.

– Coating Renewal: Every 5-10 years reapply weatherproofing treatments depending on climate.

Considering frequent exposure to elements, maintaining fully-functional drains with C&M helps optimize roof performance benefits for decades to come. Drain repairs deliver enduring protection from water damage risks.