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The Ultimate Roof Inspection Checklist: What to Look for During Annual Spring Evaluations

Warmer seasons pull homeowners outside surveying winter’s impact on home exteriors. Unfortunately, precipitation and wind across colder months often leave subtle yet worsening roof issues overlooked.

To combat unseen damage done while indoors, our friends at C&M Roofing and Construction recommend thorough spring roof inspections catching small problems before costly replacements become necessary.

In this article, we’ve compiled the definitive roof inspection checklist categorizing components to examine during early spring walk-throughs. Armed with this guide, you’ll efficiently spot potential trouble areas, note any repairs or maintenance items, and rest assured another season of protection remains intact above your home or commercial building.

Roof Deck

 – Inspect plywood or OSB for signs of water intrusion like bubbling or soft spots

 – Check deck is firmly attached without signs of loosening or cracks


 – Ensure step flashing overlaps are still solidly adhered and sealed

 – Look for cracked or loose flashing at critical junctions


 – Inspect for splits, holes, or curled edges needing re-caulking

 – Clean out debris that may pool water over time

Drip Edge

 – Check integrity and adhesion along eaves and rake edges

 – Note any rusting or loose sections for replacement


 – Note granule loss, cracks, curled or worn edges

 – Check for damaged, missing, or loose shingles

Ridge Caps

 – Ensure secure connections without gaps or lifting issues

 – Clean caps of debris or organic matter accumulation


 – Inspect frames, seals, and glass panels for damage or leaks

 – Note condensation or cracks in need of repairs


 – Ensure vents are intact, not blocked, and Corrosion free

 – Note Professional extermination, if rodents have moved in


 – Check flashings and caps are securely fitted and intact

 – Note cracks, spalling, or deterioration needing tuckpointing


 – Inspect for leaks, damage, loose hanging sections or debris 

 – Flush gutters and clear debris/leaves from downspouts

While eyes are on the roof, jot down any repairs for a trusted contractor like C&M to review. Catching small issues now saves repair costs compounding over neglected seasons ahead!